Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some People Don't Belong NEAR A Car.....

I caught the tail end of a fender-bender on 29 Sunday. One pickup rearended another. Most people would say, "Oh, well, the second truck must have been following too closely." Which is probably what THEY got charged with, and I say this is not totally fair.

Some may ask why, and I will tell you. The driver of the second pickup did not necessarily cause this accident. I tend to lean more toward the moron ten cars ahead in line that takes 45 seconds to reach HALF the speed limit. They know who they are, and everyone else knows exactly who I'm talking about.

It's a chain reaction. Next person in line expects to get going in a timely manner (note, I said timely, not bat-out-of-hell) and has to brake because the moron in front of them gets more mileage from a gallon of a gas than a set of brakes.

Then everyone behind THEM has to slam on the brakes, until the people 10 cars behind have no idea what is coming and clip each other. I'm not saying everyone should be laying rubber at every stop light, but people, if you're not in a hurry, and you're not passing anybody, get the hell out of the left lane! All you are doing is pissing everyone else off and causing accidents!

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