Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some People Can't Even Drive A NAIL Without Having An Accident.....

Man, this weekend was rough (400 + miles Saturday and Sunday)Okay, so driving to pick up my cab today, traffic is backed up (on a major highway) for at least 2 miles that I could see. One of those LED signs that VDOT uses said "TRUCK TRAFFIC LEFT - CAR TRAFFIC RIGHT"

Oh, boy. I don't have time for this crap. If I have a choice, I'd rather get some mileage for the fuel I burn, regardless of the amount of time spent. So I had to backtrack and take another route. I have found out since I got to work at the airport that a truck was overturned. So what good does separating trucks from cars do?

So the day is already started with stupidity. But wait, there's more!!!

So.... my day already started with idiots attempting to control traffic......

First traffic light I encounter after picking up my taxi, takes forever and a day to change. That wasn't that big a deal.What was a big deal (and I hope you're reading this, moron) was THE JACKASS IN THE GOLD SUBARU THAT RAN THE RED LIGHT JUST SOUTH OF THE BYPASS ON EMMETT STREET AND NEARLY CLIPPED ME IN THE DRIVER'S DOOR!!!!! What the hell is with people? They buy "safe" cars and then drive like morons because "I have insurance". Newsflash, stupid. The car is only as safe as the nut behind the wheel.

To the driver of that Subaru, get your head out of your ass. I don't care if you were on your cell phone, or if you spilled a drink, or if you were just trying to beat the light. If you can't multitask, don't try. You're going to kill someone one day, and you WOULD have killed ME if I hadn't been paying attention!

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