Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Frat Brats Explained.......

Okay, to explain my catchphrase 'frat brats'. Frat brats are college kids who come into a town, and think because Mommy and Daddy are paying $30,000 a year for their education, that they can disrespect, judge and just generally treat anyone however they want.

I have seen these jackasses jump on newly painted taxicabs and run down the length of the body from hood to trunk. It is not your car, moron. Would you like me to jump on your new Mustang that Daddy bought you for high school graduation and put dents in the roof?

I have seen them dump recycling bins containing empty beer bottles and let them roll out into the street where vehicles run over them and cut tires. I have seen them walk out into traffic without looking, without a crosswalk anywhere in sight. Rule of thumb, moron. You're just as dead if I hit you, whether you're a student or not.

They act like we are killing them by refusing to cram 10 people into one cab, because "we're going to tip you good." Are you going to tip me $250.00? Because that's the fine if I get stopped for being overloaded. Are you also going to pay my bills while I have to appeal to the City Police to get my taxi driver's license back?

I have had them kick my cab when I almost hit them because their stupid ass was walking in the street, six inches from a perfectly good sidewalk. Again, no crosswalk in sight.

Right of way, does not mean you have the right to stand in the way of traffic. It means, within a crosswalk, you have the right to cross first. But you don't cross the street. You take all night, standing in the street talking to your jackass friends, that are here for the same four-year drinking party that you think you are here for. Hence, I call you 'frat brats'. Prove me wrong and show me some respect, and I'll show you some respect. Give and take.

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