Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another War Story.......

Before I get started with this, I want to make clear that I am not prejudiced against anyone in any way. But this story was so funny I just had to share.

A couple years ago, a man got into my cab from the after-hours club, which primarily caters to people who happen to be gay.

Halfway to his destination, it became quite clear that he was very openly gay, and had more than a passing interest in me. How to handle this?

He kept asking questions about my endowment, and I politely replied that I had never had any complaints, but I was very decidedly heterosexual and planned to remain so.

For six weekends straight, this man seemed to be watching and waiting for MY cab. Every weekend it was the same -- the questions about my size, and my polite reply that I was not that way.

Finally, the sixth weekend this occurred, I replied "I've never had any complaints, sir, but between my legs is Mars."

He said, "Is it big and red?"

"No," I replied, "No man will ever land there."

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