Friday, April 30, 2010

Going Forward In Reverse.....

Well.... The day has finally come..... If anyone actually follows this blog, you may remember that I bought a Sony Vaio laptop about a year or so ago...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but after a year owning a Sony Vaio..... I have come to three conclusions.

1) I will never buy from Best Buy again.

2) I will never use Windows Vista again.

3) I will never buy a Sony computer again.

The sales girl I talked to at Best Buy was very nice, but wound up talking me into a pricier machine that I almost immediately did not like. Best Buy's return policy makes you wait 2 weeks for a refund, which is, for lack of a better word, utter bullshit.

I found quickly that if I were in advertising, my Windows Vista commercial would have been, "I'm a dumbass..... and Windows Vista was MY idea." I have had nothing but problems with Vista. Perhaps it's because I'm something of a power user, but no matter. I will never use it again. I also found that Sony is very proprietary, which I have never liked.

Therefore, I have sold my Vaio and bought an older HP Compaq N620 with Windows XP. Your results may vary, but don't look for me to recommend Best Buy, Sony, or Windows Vista.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Are People Really This Lazy And Disgusting?

Just went to vacuum my van, and some asshole decided to stick their used chewing gum on my carpet, and it apparently was there all last night. It's been stepped on and rubbed into the carpet.....

Things like this are why taxi fares are expensive, people! It costs money to have things like that cleaned. I mean, seriously, was someone really that lazy and disgusting to just stick their gum on the carpet in someone else's vehicle? Whoever you were, jackass, I hope you choke on the next piece of gum you chew.....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Time Is Money....

Why don't people understand this concept?

Some people are so moronic that they will wait 20 minutes to save $10.00. Now, people, at 10 minutes, this is $1.00 a minute. at 20 minutes, it is $0.50 a minute. I might add that in that 20 minutes waited, you probably could have been there.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. I will not allow a bigger company to put a price on my services. I will also not allow a cheapskate passenger to pay me whatever they think is fair.

A student actually asked me tonight if I could beat Yellow Cab's rate. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!!

The #1 driver ripoff company, and she asked if I could beat their rate? Now you understand why I don't give an inch, because most people want a mile and a half.

Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries.... NOT.

There are many ways this week could have been worse..... must remember that.......

Last Monday I purchased a small 4-wheel-drive SUV due to some rough roads I must travel. It turned out to have a bad rear axle. I traded it for a small older model pickup that turned out to have some engine problems, but at least it gets me where I want to go. Heavy oil and an oil stabilizer will hopefully keep it alive for another year....

THAT, however, turned into an oddysey.... The dealer was going out of business and allowed me to use their dealer plate to bring the truck home as long as I brought it back. It apparently fell off the truck on the 50-mile drive, and despite driving all day retracing the route I took, I never found it.

Bad enough. Then the alternator failed on my van. Took all day to replace, then the battery was too weak to crank the engine, and it took three hours to get someone to jumpstart it. Of course, I was brought down again by a bad power connector that failed, forcing me to do it all over again. *SIGH* I need a vacation....