Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is Nothing Sacred?

I actually posted this on MySpace some time ago, but had trouble importing it. I read online awhile ago where Bill O'Reilly was running his mouth about Michael Jackson.

Also, a video has been posted of Congressman Peter King calling Michael Jackson a low-life and a pervert. I think Mr. O'Reilly AND Mr. King BOTH need to have a Coke and a smile and STFU.

I've not seen anyone accuse Mr. King of being racist. But tell me, Mr. King, just what kind of "low-life" attacks the character of a person who isn't around to defend themselves anymore?

Michael Jackson was certainly not perfect, and did some rather strange and dumb things. But no one on Earth is perfect, and we all do strange and dumb things sometimes. The only truth we will know is that only Michael Jackson and his accuser will ever really know the truth. The man is dead, and where I come from, it's very disrespectful to speak badly of the dead.

Mr. King, you say you're tired of hearing people grieve for Michael Jackson, but I'm getting tired of hearing people beat on him even after his passing for something he was never convicted of.

I have a few things to say about this.

1) Does being found innocent in a court of law not mean anything anymore? If so, then something is VERY wrong here.

2) Do either of these pompous gas-bags have some earth-shattering evidence that proves King's allegations beyond a reasonable doubt?

3) Has anyone stopped to think why Michael Jackson's friends and colleagues would risk their careers to stand by him (and as far as I know, they did) in his darkest hour? Maybe because they know him better than that?

4) Has anyone stopped to think that the child who said he was molested may have been pressured to make an accusation in order to sue? The "American Way" of working hard and getting ahead seems to have given way to suing and retiring. Anyone with a brain can see that the man was a huge target to this sort of thing.

5) Whoever thinks kids never lie has blinders on. There are some very mean-spirited jerk-offs in this world who do not care who they hurt, as long as they get what they want, and will stop at nothing to get it. Washington is full of them, and so is the media. And guess what? They were ALL kids once!

6) I have noticed that politicians, particularly Republicans, have an annoying tendency to jump on whatever wave seems best to ride to get votes, even if it means ruining someone's reputation. It's all a guise to draw attention away from their own shortcomings and faults. My father always told me as a kid, "The guilty dog barks the loudest".

7) Sometimes these things are done even in the name of religion. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? I'm not necessarily religious or spiritual, but if there IS one Almighty God controlling everything, I would venture a guess that He wants spiritual fruits, not religious nuts. If you really want to bring religion into things, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Now just let that sink in for a moment. You have accused a dead man of being a pervert and a low-life. How are you really any better than Shirley Phelps Roper, the idiot who shows up at dead soldiers' funerals to attack their character? Link to her interview on Fox shown below.

Fox News Interviews Shirley Phelps Roper

So, all I have to say to either Mr. O'Reilly, or Mr. King, is, fuck you very much. I don't let the puppetmaster media or my corporately-owned government make up my mind for me. I tend to think about things a bit before I form my opinion, unlike the lemmings that Mr. O'Reilly preaches to, referred to in this video by Green Day as "one nation controlled by the media".

Green Day - American Idiot

These guys are absolutely right. The media is just a tool of the government to keep their lemmings, I mean, constituents, under control.

And by the way, Mr. King, what of the accusations against your buddy Mr. O'Reilly by his former producer of sexual harrassment? Here's the link to a story where he settled the claim.

Bill O'Reilly Settles Sexual Harrassment Suit Out-Of-Court

Tell me, Mr. King, just what kind of "pervert" buys their way out of a sexual harrassment suit? If he was falsely accused, and a victim of a "shakedown", as he says, why did he settle the case out-of-court?

And what about your own record of voting on issues relevant to illegal aliens, a key issue directly pertinent to the economy in this country? If you don't believe me, consider this.

Illegal aliens mean cheaper labor, which means Joe Legal loses his job to Jose Illegal and forces the economy to tank because he has no money to spend. Meanwhile, Jose Illegal enjoys many benefits at government expense, paying no taxes on his undocumented income, which he does not spend in this country, rather, it goes home to his family.

Peter King's Stance On Illegal Immigration

Could your inconsistency here be for your own personal benefit, while you sell out the working class? I think our founding fathers would be ashamed of both of you. If you live in a glass house, it's best not to throw stones.

And just for the record, Mr. King, while you may THINK you're speaking for millions, rest assured, you DON'T speak for everybody. And I doubt you speak for as many as you THINK you do, you self-righteous prick.

I hope someone publicly bashes BOTH of you on YOUR bad points and YOUR names are dragged through the dirt after YOUR passing. What goes around comes around.

A great many people say that Michael Jackson disgusted them, touting what are essentially little more than rumors. Does anyone have any actual EVIDENCE? It disgusts ME that the dead cannot truly rest in peace, even when they are falsely accused.

Since Michael isn't around to tell Mr. King to go to hell like he did Gloria Redall in the infamous baby-dangling incident....... I will.

I don't defend Michael's actions in that incident, but I do agree that Redall is a busybody who had severely overstepped her bounds in that example, and I, for one, salute Charles Barkley for telling her to shut the hell up and mind her own business. Must we forget that the man realized and admitted in his own words that it was a "terrible mistake"?

I agree it was not a good thing for Michael to do, but it was quite obvious that the child's safety was not her primary concern, and when it happened in another country, how was it her place? I'll have to bastardize one of Michael's songs to make my point....

Peter King does all this talkin'
But we don't wanna hear him squawkin'
Tellin' lies and throwin' boulders
So we called his mouth a motor
Someone's always tryin' to start my baby cryin' ........

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