Monday, September 14, 2009

Could This Be It?

Though I have not written much of it, as I have a MySpace page for it, I have been working on recording original songs that I composed for the past few years. I put the finishing touches on some demo tracks late 2008.

In early 2009, I put out about 50 promo CDs of this demo as a test bed to see if anyone liked it. Almost 8 months have gone by and perhaps 15 people have actually taken the time to listen. Quite disheartening, and it has made me wonder if I am where I need to be.

Early to mid-2009, I learned that a friend in my line of work had a customer with connections in the music industry both here and in Europe. My friend told his customer about my recording efforts, in the spirit of trying to help my discovery, to which the customer said to send him a disc and he'd see what he could do. I pulled an all-nighter re-mixing the entire demo to make it sound the best I could. However, I heard nothing, and assumed no joy a month or two ago.

However, I received some interesting information yesterday. My friend walked up to me rather purposefully and handed me a slip of paper with a name of a person, a record company, and a time-frame of 12-14 weeks.

I was floored. My friend told me that the producer that contacted him gets about 1000 demo CDs per week, and just got to listen to mine last week. He liked at least four tracks on my demo, was going to listen to it some more, then send it to another producer and get together with them, at which point they would be calling me in 12-14 weeks, as noted on the paper.

I can't help but be excited and wonder if this is going to be my big break, but at the same time, I'm trying really hard not to get ahead of myself.

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