Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another Reason Unemployment Is High And The Economy Is Soft....

So, I call back today to check on the job I THOUGHT I had lined up. Apparently, the company has their OWN rating system for points on your license, and even though I would be using my own insurance, and will work 60 hours a week if I can, they can't hire me.

The manager said she had 180 hours she had to give to somebody, and I responded, "Well, that's probably most of the reason you have 180 hours available, the company is too picky, especially considering they aren't liable if there's an accident."

When corporations pick and choose who they hire based on irrelevant points, unemployment rises because many people who want that job can't get it for baseless reasons. Hence, the economy suffers because they aren't making money to spend.

Corporations will be the downfall of America. They and the people who run them largely suffer from RCI -- Rectal-Cranial Inversion.... It affects 95% of Charlottesville. Otherwise known as "Head-Up-Your-Ass" Syndrome.

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