Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Make It Idiot-Proof, They'll Find A Better Idiot

As I've written before, in any service related job, it only takes one asshole to ruin your day.

This idiot took the cake though. Before I had driven him a mile, he noticed the difference in rate and said something about it. I could tell from his tone and his attitude that he was going to be a problem.

I even offered three times to return him to the airport so that he could take another cab that was priced to his liking. He declined, even after I told him ballpark price to where he was going was between $35.00-$40.00.

I tried at two opportunities to take a shorter route to try to save him a few bucks, and he insisted on going perhaps 4-5 blocks out of the way.

THEN, he actually had the nerve to say I was ripping him off. What a dick! Needless to say, I got right on the phone after dropping him off to give my side of the story to the Airport Authority before they got whatever details the passenger might have twisted around to suit them. I have a feeling they are going to get a totally different story from him. On another note, my first fare yesterday (of a total of 5) ran $62.00, and those folks didn't even blink an eye.

I like my job, I truly do. But why, oh, why, can't we send the stupid people away?

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