Sunday, August 7, 2011

I Guess What They Say Is True...

You can't keep a good man down... I'm still in the game, though I had to put my taxi in someone else's name to keep working. Wow, it's been awhile, I've been a little lazy about posting...

Well, to update, I took a mini-vacation this summer, which is to say I saved enough money to pay basic bills over the summer before before the frat brats left. I worked weekends for a little extra money, but basically took the summer off...

I decided last year that I had spent my last summer making peanuts, arguing with morons over $4.00 fares in the blazing heat, 14 hours a day. Seems to have worked out well so far...

I also was fortunate to pick up a client that will make me much less reliant on spoiled college kids, penny-pinching project folks, and other general cheapskates. People are too stupid to realize that what they are used to paying for taxi fare here is based on 2001 rates. Get over yourselves, people, gas is $3.75 a gallon and vehicles cost money to maintain.

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